When it comes to promotion, it’s hard to find a tool quite as useful and accessible as email marketing. Almost every website you visit has an option to sign up for their mailing list, so it’s no surprise that most of us get dozens of promotional emails each day.

The question most companies have is: how do you make sure that your email is one of the few being opened and clicked on? In today’s blog we will explore how to make sure your email is compelling to your customers.

Longer Does Not Always Mean Better

You’re a busy person, aren’t you? You’ve just finished up a meeting and have a few moments to catch up on emails before it’s time for lunch. An email pops up that piques your interest and you click on it, only to find that it seems you could scroll endlessly and never see the end. All the most useful info in the world might be in the email, but it’s so overwhelming to look at that you just close it.

As marketers, we have a short window to grab your attention and show you why what we have to offer is valuable. This is why links, attachments, and calls to action in an email are your best friend. The people who need that information will click, but you still have a clean and straightforward email.

Value Is Incredibly Important

Sometimes it’s easy to forget the main reason why someone subscribes to your emails in the first place: value. Whether that value comes in the form of coupons, helpful tips, or updates, it all comes down to getting that person to want to open your email each and every time it comes through their inbox.

The best emails are the ones that make the opener feel like they’re getting access to information most people don’t have.

Frequency Matters

There is a fine line between staying top-of-mind and becoming spam, and you want to try to hit that sweet spot. Many surveys have concluded that the average person likes to hear from their favorite brands via email when they have something exciting going on, but will unsubscribe if their inbox feels too cluttered by your content.

The Subject Line Can Make Or Break You

So you have a perfectly crafted email ready to go. It has all the right content, amazing value to your customer, and you’ve fine-tuned it so well you can’t imagine anyone could find a flaw. You send it out…. And have hardly any opens. If your subject line is an afterthought, that needs to change. Your email could be everything your customer needs, but if they don’t feel curious enough to open it none of that matters. The perfect headline is truthful, yet intriguing.

A smart email marketing strategy can build a loyal and curious customer base for your business, but it can be hard to know where to start. If you need help, reach out to [email protected] and she can help set you down the path to greatness!