All around the world, the internet continues to transform how we connect with others, organize the flow of things, and share information. In 2021, the number of internet users worldwide stood at 4.9 billion, which means that almost two thirds of the global population is currently connected to the world wide web (Statista, 2022). As digital marketing and branding experts, we want to help you break down the numbers.
In 2021, users spent an estimated 192 minutes per day online, primarily via smartphone. Some of the most popular mobile internet activities include the use of instant messaging services, video streaming platforms, and social media. On average, internet users spend over 140 minutes per day on social media, with Facebook remaining the leading social network world wide.
We can assure you, there’s no better time than right now to be utilizing digital platforms to get your message to your customers – just take a look at a few of the most popular platform stats below!
Google dominates the global search market with 91.42% of the global market share. (Data Reportal, 2022)
Facebook’s monthly active users equate to 36.8% of all the people on Earth today. (Meta Platforms, Inc.’s 4Q 2021 Investor Earnings Report, 2022)
YouTube has at least 2.562 billion users around the world in January 2022. (Kepios, 2022)
LinkedIn’s advertising audience reach grew by 11.1% over the past 12 months. (Kepios, 2022)
All in all, a large majority of people with access to the internet or a smart device are using them right now! If your business needs any help with developing marketing strategies, feel free to contact our Director of Sales, Sarah Gordee, at 715-396-1661. We are more than happy to help you get the most out of your online marketing efforts and digital presence.