How much time do you spend on social media every week? If you’re like most Americans, you’re logging a considerable amount of time scrolling through a combination of pictures of your cousin’s children and your favorite news outlet’s latest articles.

According to Nielsen data, the average American now spends minutes 45 per day on social media (many other research companies show this number even higher!).

We know that social media use is growing and evolving, with new capabilities always launching for both personal and business use. Here at Hookd we’re continually testing and refining strategies to leverage the power of social media for our clients. Here are 10 stats that get us excited about the potential of Social Media Marketing!

1- 76% of Adults use Facebook daily.

(Pew Research Center)

Your ideal customer is likely on Facebook, and this is a good platform to start with for most businesses. Looking for ideas of how to make Facebook work for your business? Read more here.


2- 74% of people say they use Facebook for professional purposes.


We are using Facebook for much more than sharing vacation photos! Click here for tips on what to post!


3- Content consumption on Facebook has increased 57% in the last two years, and 76% of people use their Facebook feed to find interesting content.


Facebook is a great place to provide relevant articles and information for your customers and potential customers.


linkedin social media usage 4- 40% of LinkedIn users visit the site every day.

(Omnicore Agency)

LinkedIn is a valuable platform to share content on, especially if your organization is B2B.


5- 45% of women have a Pinterest account.

(Sprout Social)

Businesses can be very successful showcasing products and information on Pinterest, especially if the buyers are predominantly female! Pinterest reports that pinners spend 50% more on average compared to other social channels.


pinterest logo social media usage6- 80% of millenial Pinterest users say the platform helps them decide what they should buy.

(CoSchedule Blog)

Content shared on Pinterest can be very effective! If millenial women are your target customers, consider Pinterest! 


instagram social media usage 7- 38% of women and 28% of men internet users have an Instagram account, and accounts are growing by almost 5% per quarter.

(Sprout Social, TechCrunch)

When creating a Facebook ad, you can choose to place the ad on Instagram as well, giving you a presence on both platforms without extra steps.


social media usage customer service 8- 59% of Americans believe that customer service through social media has made it easier to get their questions answered and issues resolved.

(Lyfe Marketing)

Social media makes it easy to interact with customers which is a great thing, but remember that questions coming through your social platforms require responses. 


9- 47% of buyers view at least 3 to 5 pieces of content before deciding to speak with a sales rep.

(Demand Gen Report)

Utilize social media to post articles, photos, and videos! Posting consistently can be a valuable way to build trust and generate interest with potential buyers.


10- Studies show that people have the ability to recall 65% of the visual content that they see almost 3 days later.


Don’t rely on text-only posts! Images and videos are the most effective.


It’s clear that having a social media presence is a must in today’s digital world. Which social platform you focus on can differ based on your ideal customer (for more on that click here), but after reading these stats, you’re likely ready to choose a platform and start posting consistently!

If you have questions on your social media presence or feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out. Keeping up with the latest social media trends is what we love to do!