This is Hookd’s third blog post in a 4-part series about the recent data privacy changes and what it means to you. In recent weeks, Hookd has shared information about this new “Privacy Shift” and wrote about the “One Step You Can Take Now” to help your organization continue to reach your most relevant audiences in this changing landscape. Read on to learn more about data privacy and how it’s affecting digital marketing in this new era.

Since the early days of the internet, the data generated by third-party cookies has provided information that organizations have leveraged to target their digital marketing ads. Recent changes in the tech world are shifting that dynamic. Apple is giving users the ability to block 3rd-party cookies and Google will be phasing them out entirely over the next two years.

What that means for businesses doing digital marketing is that they’ll get less impressions and potentially less clicks than they’re used to… At least with the current level of effort. It will probably continue to evolve for awhile now, and it underscores the importance of having experts on your side to help you navigate those waters. 

As a Digital Marketing Agency, Hookd has had a finger on this pulse for a number of months now. We have seen first hand the early changes and the effects they’ve had on digital marketing campaigns. And we’ve learned a lot already. We know that these changes require our creativity, technical savvy, and ingenuity to continue to reach our most relevant audiences. We’ve realized first hand that there is no substitute for rolling up our sleeves and digging in. 

But one big thing we’re learning is that managing digital campaigns is definitely becoming more complex. And we know this can be a huge challenge, especially for small to midsize businesses. Hookd’s team of experts have put in a lot of time and effort to truly understand how to continue to deliver value for our clients. It’s not all said and done yet, that’s part of what makes our job interesting and fun. But we’re excited about the opportunity to become even more relevant, even more valuable, and an even more strategic partner to the clients we serve.

If you’re ready to learn more about how you can “leverage the experts”, give us a call. An initial consultation is free and there’s no obligation. 715-396-1661