Oooh, that looks exactly like what I’ve been looking for! [CLICK]

That click is the beauty of digital marketing! If someone is interested in what’s showing in your ad, they can click on the ad and go directly to your website, giving you immediate feedback. Lots of clicks means people are liking what they’re seeing. Crickets means it’s time to change things up.

But what about the in-between? How do you know if the amount of impressions and clicks you’re getting are ‘good’?

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you determine that:

1 – Industry Averages

While these are just averages, and sometimes the industry definitions aren’t apples to apples, Industry Averages can give you a helpful benchmark. If you’re way below the averages, it’s either time to change your approach or it’s too early in the process to make a judgment call. If you did just launch your campaign, make sure to give your ads a good 90 days before you decide they’re not working.

2 – Value of Impressions

Remember, especially with awareness campaigns, there is a lot of value in the impression! Oftentimes, people need to see your ad a few times before they’re at the right time and place to click on it. But that doesn’t mean that getting in front of them with your brand message wasn’t useful. The cool thing about digital marketing is that these impressions can come at a fraction of the cost of other media.

3 – Growth Over Time

Are your ad clicks increasing over time? That can be a good marker of success. While monthly fluctuations are natural and expected, especially for seasonal businesses, you don’t want the overall trend to be a decline.

In our current climate of rapidly-changing privacy laws, expectations are in flux, but having confidence in your marketing team to deliver the best results possible in the current climate is important. If clicks are declining because of changes in advertising policy or other situations out of your control, we suggest doing the math to determine if the results you’re getting still out-perform other media options.

4 – Feedback From Customers

Hearing your customers say they heard about you on Facebook, for instance, might give you clues, but don’t rely on feedback from customers alone. Like with any effective marketing, customers won’t necessarily remember where they heard about you. They may click on an ad and visit your website but actually take action when, weeks later, they drive by your location. Casual chit-chat may give you the impression that they just happened by, but in reality, you were brought into their sphere of awareness because of the digital advertising you put in front of them.

Bottom line, there are a lot of factors that go into the ‘success’ of your ads. If you think your performance needs a boost, give Sarah a call at 715-396-1661. Consults are always free.