As technology grows and evolves, we’ve seen advances in how we do business and what our partners expect from us as a marketing partner. What we’ve learned from that experience is that modern businesses have changed their expectations. They demand collaboration from their marketing partners and they value responsiveness. Luckily, we live in a world where both can happen!

We used to live and work in a world where the digital arm of marketing was best left to the experts so we don’t screw it up. But that lead to a world where doing simple things like updating copy or photos on your website took a frustratingly long time. However, the days of waiting weeks or more for simple website upgrades from your website provider are behind us for the most part. In fact, you might not believe me, but many things like changing a staff photo or updating a seasonal headline on your website can now be done by someone in your office in a matter of minutes and we say, “It’s about time”!

It’s all about meeting clients where they’re at… and they’re at a point where they want a better user experience. A recent article on Hubspot explores a little bit more about which companies are embracing this approach and how they’re doing it. Spoiler alert – they listen to their customers and make their lives easier. You can read more about it here.

At Hookd, we believe in that same philosophy. That’s why we put a high value on making the process as easy as possible and provide every opportunity for our clients to have meaningful access to their digital marketing efforts. How? We provide on-site training for our clients so that they can make simple changes on their websites or other digital marketing assets without the wait. Then, we provide easy to read documentation that outlines each step so it can be done again in the future.

Aside from editing ability, we’ve also found that many of our clients don’t actually own their websites and it’s caused headaches for them. From waiting for untimely updates that take long periods of time, to being stuck in a limbo of discontent for years because they can’t afford to transition to a better provider, our clients have found this type of setup very limiting.

So, we created a solution where,  at the end of the day, you own everything we create! We always say, “Once the contractor builds your house, they don’t own it, right? Of course not, you do!” and we feel the same should go for websites and landing pages. You should own them and be able to update them with ease. That’s what we’ve heard is important to our clients and that’s how we’ve responded.

Of course, there are always exceptions and there are times when you might not want to dig into the back-end of your website. And, of course, there might be time where investing in custom code and high-level technical support are warranted. However, for most businesses nowadays, a dynamic website and online marketing presence can be co-managed with your digital marketing team in a way that fosters true collaboration and the ease you’re looking for!




Experience Disruptors: A New Breed of Growth Leaders