6 Tips for Virtual Workplace Success

6 Tips for Virtual Workplace Success

Here at Hookd, we’re no strangers to working remotely, so our transition to 100% virtual during last spring’s quarantine was pretty seamless. But we know that’s not the case for every workplace. Here are our top tips that keep us connected, productive, and thriving!...
I’ve written my blog, now what?

I’ve written my blog, now what?

Creating valuable content is a key to success in the digital world. Valuable content gets viewed more, it gets shared more, and it helps provide positive branding exposure and drive sales. Heck, it’s also fun to create! Meetings where we discuss the creation of high...
What is Empathetic Marketing? And Why Should I Care?

What is Empathetic Marketing? And Why Should I Care?

If you’re anything like me, you might be thinking that empathetic marketing is the reason why all the TV commercials right now are set to piano music and include the phrase “We’re in this together”.  Rest assured, it’s not that. It’s better than that! Empathetic...