Every year the majority of us set our New Year’s resolutions with the best of intentions. We decide that we are going to lose weight, drink more water, travel more, or eat out less. We all know those resolutions last about two weeks before we are right back to our former ways. So why do we even make New Year’s resolutions?!
Ironically enough, while our New Year’s resolutions hardly make it to Valentine’s day, the idea of setting resolutions has stood the test of time. It’s thought that people have been making resolutions since ancient Babylon, over 4,000 years ago, when they would have a 12 day celebration in March celebrating the new planting season. This continued in many cultures throughout time to be what we know it as today, a fun New Year’s tradition that revs up the sale of yoga mats and juicers.
If you’ve fallen off the wagon before when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, don’t worry, we have a plan!!! We’ve compiled three ways to make it easier to stick to 2018’s resolutions, plus we are putting our plan to the test (so it must be good)! We, at Hookd, decided to take a look at our business goals and set some resolutions to help us better achieve those goals this year. One of our resolutions, and the reason for this blog post, is to bring you informative and entertaining blog articles to help you make better business decisions when it comes to your branding, social media, and digital marketing. We expect you to help us stick to this, so keep an eye out for our monthly blog posts! And if you ever have a topic you want to learn more about in the ever changing marketing industry, feel free to comment below or email us at [email protected]!
Without further ado, here are three simple steps to sticking with your New Year’s resolutions…
1. Set Attainable and Specific Goals
Ever heard of a S.M.A.R.T goal? Now is a really great time to get out that pad of paper and write down what you want to actually achieve. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. So instead of a business goal like, “We will post to Facebook more,” you could write down, “Our Social Media Specialist will post to Facebook 3 times a week.” See, easy peasy!
2. Share your goals!
The best way to stick to your goals is to be held accountable by others. If you are a business leader, share your goals with your employees, or you could make writing resolutions a fun, team-building experience. Or you can be like us, and share them with your blog readers and social media followers!! And remember, it is important that those who are involved in the resolution are on board and know what is expected of them. I mean if you are setting a goal that your Social Media Specialist needs to follow through on, then Betty Sue, your Social Media Extraordinaire better know that the ball is in her court!
3. Reward yourself and your employees!
Hey, who doesn’t like to be rewarded for a job well done? Any excuse to do a little happy dance and treat yo’self is a good idea in our book! Say you posted to Facebook 3 times a week, every week, for the entire first quarter, well, looks to me like the office is getting donuts!
Put these steps to the test with us, it’s not too late to set some resolutions for yourself and your business this year. Happy 2018!