There are lots of ways to spend extra free time on your hands when you’re safer at home. Let’s face it, we’ve had a lot of it since March and we’re learning that people from all over the world are spending their extra free time consuming media. 

One of the interesting things we’ve learned, at least in the U.S. and U.K., is that the media we’re consuming can be really different by generation. Smart marketers know that means it’s important to know where your audience is. Here’s a quick and interesting recap of what each generation has been consuming more of since March. 





So, next time you assess your marketing plan, consider where your audience is and meet them there! Here’s another tip: once you find them there, the message map is a great tool that will help you figure out what to say to them. HERE’s a link to a blog that we previously published that walks you through it.

Happy marketing!

